Coaches Overview

Amherst Athletic Association is a volunteer run organization. Coaches are the single most important position in our organization and we are always in need of people that are willing to help teach and manage a team.  Coaching is the most rewarding and most challenging gift you can give to our community. I remind people that once you become a coach, you immediately become the answer to a trivia question at the kids 25th class reunion..."what was the name of that coach we had back when....".  Amherst Athletic Association is committed to helping you create positive memories for you and the families you coach. We are heavily invested in providing our coaches with the nescessary tools needed to be the best coach you can be.   We constantly look for ways to provide training  to put you on the path to success.   Coaches are required by the State of Ohio to complete free online Concussion Management Training and be willing to submit to a reasonable criminal background check. Coaches are also expected to observe our Volunteer Code Of Conduct. For any more questions feel free to drop us a note at