2023 Amherst Co-ed Softball League $375 Team Fee (+$50 forfeit fee) 

The $50 forfeit fee will be refunded at the end of the season unless the team fails to field enough players for a game.

If prior notice is given, other team managers can help to find players willing to substitute. Each team will receive t-shirts for up to 16 players. Additional players are $10.00 each. Females must be 16 years or older. Males must be graduating seniors or older. 

Shirt sizes and payment due by Friday, April 28th. 

Checks payable to: Amherst Athletic Association 

Other payment options: Venmo @Melissa-Anderson-749 PayPal @DavidAnderson532 2022

Game dates - May 21, 28, June 4, 11, 18, 25, (July 2 OFF), July 9, 16 = 8 game season The first weather cancellation will not be made up. 

Subsequent cancellations will be rescheduled at the end of the season. 

Submit signed roster to Melissa Anderson by May 21, 2023. 440-752-1100,